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zuletzt 28. Nov.

Chewing crate

We have a 5.5 month old Lab, Maggie. She chews her crate early in the morning. She does it before her morning walk which is at 6:00. To combat this, we have been trying to let her out of the crate but not out of the room but then she starts trying to chew on the door to get out. We don’t usually let her out at this point but we have to do something to stop her from chewing the door. Usually, I end up sitting on the floor with her until she settles or it’s time to go out but this isn’t working in the long run. - Her nightly routine is we go out for the last time between 21:00 and 22:00 and then she goes into her crate on her own. - It varies how early she does it sometimes 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 5:45. - She only seems to do it overnight. - She usually has a bed, blanket, olive wood stick and Kong in the crate.
28. Nov. 20:14
Completely normal behavior for a puppy. Shes curious, explores everything with her mouth, maybe wants out, maybe she’s also teething. Get up, let her out and do her thing, go back to bed. This phase will not last long