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zuletzt 17. Dez.

Dog theft

Hello. I've been reading a lot lately about dogs being stolen from their homes or even when out on a walk. Is dog theft common in Germany? What about Hamburg? Unfortunately I could not find many information about this topic. What is a good on real time tracking device that can't be easily removed from the dog? Even if the dog is registered and has the chip, not sure that is enough. Any thoughts about this topic would be helpful.
Beliebteste Antwort
17. Dez. 08:43
I have not heard of a hard-to-remove but still real time tracking device. Most tracking devices that support live tracking are rather big and usually get tied to the collar or harness, which may be removed easily. So I guess you are looking for something that has not yet been invented 😔
14. Dez. 21:56
Hey, I know it is Always extreme in a certain time of the year. Dogs get Stolen infront of Shops (when they're waiting for their owners) Espacially dogs that are rare. They're Getting saled when they're neutered, or get shipped Out to breeding farms... Really sad, but in Hamburg and Berlin its the Most excessive as much as I read about it.
14. Dez. 22:34
Hey, I know it is Always extreme in a certain time of the year. Dogs get Stolen infront of Shops (when they're waiting for their owners) Espacially dogs that are rare. They're Getting saled when they're neutered, or get shipped Out to breeding farms... Really sad, but in Hamburg and Berlin its the Most excessive as much as I read about it.
Yes, the situation is really sad and I hope no one goes though this. This is why I'm interested on knowing more about it since looking at different articles online didn't provide much information on this topic in Germany. As much as dogs are allowed here in most places, I hope that most people will choose to keep their puppies at home if the place they are going is not pet friendly
17. Dez. 01:10
I heard about dogs being stolen outside of supermarkets (Berlin). I just avoid leaving him “unsupervised”, and if I know I will go to a place where dogs are not allowed, I just leave him at home. Apart from that, it is very uncommon that dogs can be stolen in other situations (home, beat the owner,..)
17. Dez. 08:43
I have not heard of a hard-to-remove but still real time tracking device. Most tracking devices that support live tracking are rather big and usually get tied to the collar or harness, which may be removed easily. So I guess you are looking for something that has not yet been invented 😔
17. Dez. 09:23
I have not heard of a hard-to-remove but still real time tracking device. Most tracking devices that support live tracking are rather big and usually get tied to the collar or harness, which may be removed easily. So I guess you are looking for something that has not yet been invented 😔
I thought so. Putting something on the collar can be so easily spotted and removed. Hoping that there will be something out soon that can help with this.