Training and Social Walks, Resting exercises

Home Hundetreffen Berlin 12043 Training and Social Walks, Resting exercises


Hi there! My dog Phoebe turned 1 yesterday and I adopted her from Romania. She is like a very active dog and we are currently focused on training with her to stay calm and relaxed around other dogs and not wanting to play with them all the time. For that I am searching for new contacts and dogs who would like to go on social walks with me, maybe even train in the apartment that both parties have their place and just relax if someone is willing to train and do that too. I am working from an office for the first time again since I got her and can take her with me so I have about a month left to prepare her for the office life with sometimes other dogs in it too :) I speak German and English and we would be happy to meet you =)


Ersteller:in Liz Profilbild
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