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Natalia Rotgang Tierarztpraxis

Kontaktdaten von Natalia Rotgang Tierarztpraxis

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Mehr zu Natalia Rotgang Tierarztpraxis

Bewertungen zu Natalia Rotgang Tierarztpraxis

I really like this vet. They are just down our street and we always get professional and super kind help. The scheduled appointments are punctual, they speak English and German for sure. Also usually I managed to get an appointment in a reasonable timeframe. Our fluff is not terrified to come here :) We got our new owner first check up here, some jabs, and a dental treatment in anesthesia as our pup is prone to tartar. Usually, we have an appointment with the Italian guy. I think they have min. 2 vets
Sehr nettes und kompetentes Team. Sehr freundlich und die Tiere haben keine Angst dort.

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