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zuletzt 5. Feb.

first heat cycle

Lumi entered her first heat cycle on January 4th of this year. we have been very careful, havent let her run off leash to avoid unwanted mating. the plan is to get her spayed before her next cycle. the question is: are we in the clear by now in terms of unwanted pregnancies, can we let her run free again and let her play or is there still a risk that she will allow mating and fall pregnant?
Beliebteste Antwort
5. Feb. 10:20
thank you for your answer. i think the bleeding lasted 2 weeks...then it turned brownish. she is very interested in ALL dogs as she is very playful, it is difficult for us to tell if interest decreased😅😅😅
5. Feb. 10:11
Hi Carola, If the cycle did indeed start on the 4th of January and the duration of the cycles steps where normal, something I am assuming, Limo should be well into the metoestrus and thus the danger of an unwanted pregnancy is no longer an issue. She also shouldn’t be all to interesting for males anymore and the whole hormonal situation including a change of behavioural traits should die down. It is of course impossible for me to guarantee this without actually seeing the dog. It would be logical though. Kind Regards
5. Feb. 10:20
thank you for your answer. i think the bleeding lasted 2 weeks...then it turned brownish. she is very interested in ALL dogs as she is very playful, it is difficult for us to tell if interest decreased😅😅😅
5. Feb. 11:07
thank you for your answer. i think the bleeding lasted 2 weeks...then it turned brownish. she is very interested in ALL dogs as she is very playful, it is difficult for us to tell if interest decreased😅😅😅
Yeah that makes it a bit more difficult to differentiate if she’s so social. But I think you are on the safe side.
5. Feb. 11:10
Yeah that makes it a bit more difficult to differentiate if she’s so social. But I think you are on the safe side.
thank you🙂🙂