BARF Complete – BARF Supplement Powder for Dogs. Species-appropriate all-round care for a balanced raw feeding. AniForte® BARF Complete is the natural, balanced, and species-appropriate all-round care for your dog and a meaningful addition to its diet. The special supplement blend with herbs provides your dog with the necessary nutrients it needs every day for a vital and happy dog life. Natural and species-appropriate all-round care. Contains high-quality plant fibers. Contributes to maintaining optimal nutrient supply. Rich in minerals and vitamins. We offer you an optimal nutrient composition (see analysis certificate). The product consists of 100% natural raw materials such as seaweed lime, malt germs, brewer's yeast, seaweed meal, flaxseed meal, eggshell powder, moringa, as well as a herbal blend with milk thistle fruits, nettle leaves, blackberry leaves, chamomile, and dandelion root and is ideal as a BARF supplement. For all-round care of your favorite, we also recommend feeding bones. Ideal BARF supplement powder - natural, balanced, and species-appropriate. Especially with raw feeding, owners are expected to have a lot of knowledge. BARFing for dogs (Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding) mainly consists of raw meat, offal, bones, and fish, supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables. If the owner does not have sufficient knowledge about the dog's requirements, there is a risk of malnutrition. AniForte® BARF Complete is a balanced BARF supplement powder made from valuable natural substances that support your pet's vitamin and mineral balance in a natural way. For which dogs is the BARF supplement powder suitable? Due to the selected composition of the supplement feed, the BARF supplement powder is suitable for dogs of all ages from the 16th week of life. If your dog has health problems, please consult a veterinarian or our animal experts for advice on BARFing. BARF Complete taste experience. The easily dosable fine granules can simply be mixed into the daily food. Our BARF supplement powder was not only developed with a focus on health but also to spoil your dog's palate. Due to the incomparable taste of fresh herbs, our product enjoys high acceptance. Our BARF supplement powder offers a convenient and reliable way to optimize your dog's BARF meals and maintain its health naturally.
BARF Complete - 1 kg | AniForte | 27,99 € 27,99 €/ kg | Zum Angebot |
AniForte Barf Complete Pulver für Hunde 1kg - Natürliche Rundumversorgung, Reich an Mineralstoffen &... | | 29,99 € 29,99 €/ kg | Zum Angebot |
BARF Complete - 0.5 kg | AniForte | 199,90 € 39,98 €/ kg | Zum Angebot |
bis 5 kg:2 g täglich
5 - 15 kg:4 g täglich
15 - 30 kg:6 g täglich
ab 30 kg:8 g täglich
(1 Dosierlöffel entspricht ca. 2 g)
Das Pulver kann einfach unter das tägliche Futter gemischt werden. Empfehlenswert ab der 16. Lebenswoche.
Hinweis:Kühl, trocken und lichtgeschützt lagern.
Kräutermischung gemahlen (Brennnesselblätter, Brombeerblätter, Kamille, Löwenzahnwurzel, Mariendistelfrüchte), Bierhefe gemahlen, Leinkuchenmehl, Meeresalgenkalk gemahlen, Eierschalen Pulver gemahlen, Moringa Pulver*, Seealgenmehl (*aus biologischem Anbau)
Analytische Bestandteile:
Rohasche 18,2 %, Rohfaser 7,0 %, Rohprotein 27,5 %, Rohfett 4,7 %
Vitamine je kg:
Vitamin A (Retinol) 300 µg, Vitamin C 20 mg, Vitamin B1 22 mg, Vitamin B2 10 mg, Vitamin B6 16 mg, Vitamin B12 7 µg, Niacin 118 mg, Biotin 436 µg, Pantothensäure 13 mg, Folsäure 2,05 mg, Vitamin D3 7,5µg, Vitamin E 23 mg
Mineralstoffe je kg:
Natrium 1800 mg, Kalium 16500 mg, Magnesium 4800 mg, Calcium 45600 mg, Phosphor 7600 mg
Spurenelemente je kg:
Kupfer 8,78 mg, Eisen 614 mg, Zink 37,5 mg, Mangan 45,6 mg, Iod 28,4 mg
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