Home / Forum / Medizinische Sprechstunde / What kind flea and tick protection is safe for my puppy?

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zuletzt 22. Dez.

What kind flea and tick protection is safe for my puppy?

Hello, I would like to ask for a recommendation for flea and tick protection method. My puppy is tiny (16 weeks old toy poodle, weights 2kg). I have read the chemistry in the collars and the drops is very strong and am not sure what would be safe to use for him. Thanks in advance! Best regards, Rossie
22. Dez. 21:22
Hello Rossi, What I can recommend is the Spot on product "Advantage" if you also have cats at home. If your miniature poodle has no contact with cats, you can also use “advantix” or “vectra 3D” for your little one. For an exact dosing there are different strength for the corresponding weight and age. You can get advice from your veterinarian about this.