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zuletzt 20. Jan.

Vomiting during last 10 days and changes to bowel movements

My labrador of 11 months vomited during last 10 days in his crate during the night 3 times. Additionally he is also eliminates his bowels 2-3 times during 40 min walk instead of 1. Shall I do something?
17. Jan. 20:22
How long have you had the dog? Did you change the feed? Is your dog eating normally? Is he otherwise attentive? What does the stool look like? Does he have diarrhea? Can you take your dog's fever?
17. Jan. 20:27
I have him since he was 8 weeks. No, I did not change the feed. He eats normally otherwise. And he is attentive. His stool looks a bit harder. But than when he does it during 40 min walk 3 times, consistency is softer. No he doesn’t have diarrhea.
17. Jan. 20:37
Is this the first time he's shown problems with bowel movements? What exactly do you feed (including treats, chewing sticks, ...)? Do you have a photo of the stool?
17. Jan. 20:46
He had several times diarrhea but this frequent for the first time. During last week it’s rather a norm: 3 times during 40 min morning walk. I feed him Vet concept Young pack sensitive maxi dry food. I give him vegetables as carrots and cucumbers, also bananas, apple, clementines. For chewing: ears from cow, Ochsenziemer and hard cheese for dogs from Cumcura. Unfortunately I don’t have a foto from the stool.
20. Jan. 09:18
Various chewing articles can lead to harder stool. Does your dog drink enough? It can be useful to add lactulose to the feed for 1-3 days to soften the faeces. i If there is no defecation, a veterinarian must be consulted immediately!