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zuletzt 22. Okt.

Dog Food

Hello, we just came from the states and we were told that Royal canine dog food is a good dog food for our dogs. Our first bag we got at a German pet store (which my hound digested really well with) and our second bag of food we got on the U.S military base store (panzer in stuttgart) with that being said I believe the ingredients really messed up my dogs tummy. We’ve been feed him the US brand (that’s we got on panzer military base) for 3 days and his stool is super runny (like water) I can’t tell if his stool has blood in it. Also he’s vomited today. I fed him chicken and he threw it all up with some yellow phlegm. He hasn’t gotten to anything toxic because we don’t leave stuff lying around especially when we leave. His vomit is like a yellow phlegm with a little bit of white. His gums look good, they go from white to pink instantly when I press on them. His attitude really hasn’t changed other than no eating and vomiting. Didn’t notice he was acting weird until he wouldn’t eat dinner because sometimes he doesn’t eat in the AM so when he didn’t want to eat this morning I didn’t think it was weird until I was trying to feed him dinner. What should I do?
Beliebteste Antwort
22. Okt. 18:26
Hello Alea, Vomiting und diarrhoea can be caused by al lot of diffrent reasons. Most oft the time, gastrointestinal infections like bacterial or viral infections are responsible for these symptoms. But also other diseases like an ileus or an organic problem can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. I suggest you to feed sensitive food for the next days. You can use cooked chickenbreast with rice or noodles, carrots and curd. Feed you dog small portions throughout the day. Additionally you can give your dog diarrhoe-pastes like "Canikur®" or "Enterogelan plus®". These drugs act antiinflammatory and renew the exhausted intenstinal membrane. If your dog doesnt get better, continues vomiting or shows additional symptoms, like lethargy or bad general condition, you shoud let him get examinated by a vet. Best wishes 🐾
22. Okt. 18:26
Hello Alea, Vomiting und diarrhoea can be caused by al lot of diffrent reasons. Most oft the time, gastrointestinal infections like bacterial or viral infections are responsible for these symptoms. But also other diseases like an ileus or an organic problem can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. I suggest you to feed sensitive food for the next days. You can use cooked chickenbreast with rice or noodles, carrots and curd. Feed you dog small portions throughout the day. Additionally you can give your dog diarrhoe-pastes like "Canikur®" or "Enterogelan plus®". These drugs act antiinflammatory and renew the exhausted intenstinal membrane. If your dog doesnt get better, continues vomiting or shows additional symptoms, like lethargy or bad general condition, you shoud let him get examinated by a vet. Best wishes 🐾
22. Okt. 18:41
Hello Alea, Vomiting und diarrhoea can be caused by al lot of diffrent reasons. Most oft the time, gastrointestinal infections like bacterial or viral infections are responsible for these symptoms. But also other diseases like an ileus or an organic problem can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. I suggest you to feed sensitive food for the next days. You can use cooked chickenbreast with rice or noodles, carrots and curd. Feed you dog small portions throughout the day. Additionally you can give your dog diarrhoe-pastes like "Canikur®" or "Enterogelan plus®". These drugs act antiinflammatory and renew the exhausted intenstinal membrane. If your dog doesnt get better, continues vomiting or shows additional symptoms, like lethargy or bad general condition, you shoud let him get examinated by a vet. Best wishes 🐾
Thank you so much! He’s done a lot better since I posted this! I changed his food to chicken breast & rice with some beef broth. We went and seen a vet but she didn’t really let me know why this happened. She gave him an IV and since that he hasn’t really drank any water so I substituted the broth for water.
22. Okt. 18:45
Hello Alea, Vomiting und diarrhoea can be caused by al lot of diffrent reasons. Most oft the time, gastrointestinal infections like bacterial or viral infections are responsible for these symptoms. But also other diseases like an ileus or an organic problem can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. I suggest you to feed sensitive food for the next days. You can use cooked chickenbreast with rice or noodles, carrots and curd. Feed you dog small portions throughout the day. Additionally you can give your dog diarrhoe-pastes like "Canikur®" or "Enterogelan plus®". These drugs act antiinflammatory and renew the exhausted intenstinal membrane. If your dog doesnt get better, continues vomiting or shows additional symptoms, like lethargy or bad general condition, you shoud let him get examinated by a vet. Best wishes 🐾
The blood also stopped within his stool! Can I continue to feed him the food we have? As I should ease it in with what I’m feeding him now? Or should we switch his kibble entirely? If we do that I’m just not sure what brand to feed him.